Piano is a wonderful starting pointing for anyone interested in music. All music is based on the piano keyboard. Because of this, the knowledge learned while studying piano will transfer to another instrument the student may wish to explore. Students will learn theory and note reading, technique, the discipline of studying an instrument and preparing pieces for performance.

Appropriate Age – Optimal ages to begin private piano lessons is 5-6. In doing an assessment, instructors will look for
attention span
the ability to take direction
can the student count
and know their ABCs.
For the very young student, many instructors will add in music games and activities to break up a lesson.
Books and Materials – Materials (method books, workbooks in theory, technique, note reading, etc) will be suggested based on instructor assessment and at additional cost. Supplemental performance materials are highly encouraged for student interest. Books can be purchased through Amazon.
Piano/Keyboard Instrument Requirement – Each student is responsible for providing an approved instrument for personal home practice time. The piano faculty strongly recommends that every Allegro piano student have regular access to a standard, well-maintained acoustic piano. If using a digital piano, it should have 88 keys with touch sensitive, weighted keys to reproduce the action and dynamic range of an acoustic piano, a functional damper pedal, and should be placed on an ample stand to allow a proper sitting position.
Practice – Regular practice time is absolutely essential to the growth and development of each musician. Appropriate practice goals will be determined by the instructor at the time of enrollment based on the age and experience of the student. Ideally a student should spend a few minutes each day in practice. The reason behind practice, on any instrument, is to build the muscle memory for that instrument's technique.
​To enroll in private voice, please email Hello@AllegroCSA.org to send a text message to 540-349-5088, to reserve your lesson time. Visit the link to enroll in the Parent Portal.
The equipment, set up and maintenance making it possible for us to offer virtual and recorded options of our classes has been provided by our Pink Diamond sponsor, iSenpai. Click their logo to visit their website.